The cynical will immediately ask : what does Matrox have to do with 3D ? I will chuckle along, although I choke on that a bit too. You see, the computer business is just as complicated as Wall Street trading. To make the right choice, you have to know the markets, the technologies, the companies, and guess where the wind is blowing.
Yet, Matrox is the only company to refer to past products that have been retired from the market. Kudos to Matrox then, for having the balls to keep available pages on the Mystique and the M3D. I just wonder if they get any hits on those pages these days.
So, let us see what the 3D card history shows at Matrox's :/
The cruel truth is that, by this time, the 3D market is practically cornered by the combat that rages between ATI and nVidia. The Parhelia fares only marginally better than its predecessors, due to the fact that it was, once again, an acceptable performer.
But among all the bloodshed, Matrox walks along, unconcernced and unhindered. Their financial results are astoundingly solid, and Matrox is still a privately-owned company. No IPO, no shareholders to muck up their lovely talking heads, or spear their engineers into delivering a truly 3D product.
In other words, a dream company living the perfect dream.
And now, on to a wholly different competitor.